The Happy Gardener

The Newsletter Serving Residential Farmers in Contra Costa County


Prepare your Pipes and plants
for winter


  1. Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses. This will protect the hoses
    and the connected faucets. It's also a good idea to cover the faucet
    with some type of insulation.

  2. Insulate exposed pipes or faucets in unheated areas. Most hardware
    stores carry a variety of pipe insulation.

  3. If you cannot get to your pipes to insulate them, let water slowly
    drip from a faucet in extremely cold weather.

  4. Locate and identify the master shutoff. If you have a burst pipe,
    you won't have time to search for the shutoff.
    If you and your family know where it is, you may save a lot of
    damage in the long run.

  5. If your pipes do freeze, first turn off the master shutoff.
    The best way to thaw pipes yourself is to wave a hair dryer
    at a low setting back and forth along the pipes. Another way,
    though a bit messier, is to pour hot water over rags wrapped
    around the frozen pipes.
    NEVER crawl through wet areas with electrical equipment.
    NEVER thaw pipes with a blowtorch.

  6. Practice Frost Awareness. Frost occurs during a cold, clear night.
    Cover citrus, succulents and potted plants with old sheets to help
    retain their heat till morning.

  7. Turn off all irrigation water and operate your clock manually.

  8. Use the garden hose, if possible, to water potted plants
    and plants underneath the eaves.

  9. Mulch exposed soil and landscape areas to control weeds and
    to help retain heat dung a cold,and clear night.

  10. Longer dryout periods encourages plants to grow deeper roots
    as they search for water.

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